Reasons You Need a HD Link Cable from Pound Technology

Pound Technology is proud to say that we are huge fans of video games. Most of us grew up playing video games with our siblings and close friends, but it didn’t stop there. Now, a majority of us are still playing video games and enjoying the newest releases (Modern Warfare anyone?) and trying out some of the new gadgets that take video games to a whole new level.

While we are definitely still enjoying the current video game world, it’s hard not to look back on some of the classic consoles and games that got us started with this hobby in the first place. As we mentioned earlier, a majority of us grew up playing games like Mario Bros and Sonic, and we still have the consoles stowed away in a tub. Many of us may even know that  both the games and consoles that we’ve been hoarding away are still in a good enough state to play. The only downside? Modern technology.

Modern technology is very rarely a negative in a gamer’s world, that is, until it comes down to you not being able to play the building blocks of the gaming world because they’re not “advanced enough”.

If you ask the team at Pound Technology, it simply doesn’t make sense that technology is too advanced for us to play the games that got us to where we are today! That is why we set out to create an easy to use HD link cable for some of our favorite consoles. The HD link cables that we designed plug into the older consoles, but have an HDMI end that works well with modern televisions. Now, you can enjoy your favorite games in the high-definition that we dreamed about as kids. 

The Consoles We’ve Designed For

As of right now, Pound Technology has created HD link cables for a few of our favorite consoles. Again, these HD link cables for classic consoles are designed to be easy to use so that you can quickly plug them in, and get to playing! Thus far, we have HD link cables for the following consoles:

These are just the HD link cables that we’ve designed so far, but we still have a vision to design these cables for even more consoles. Some of the consoles that we hope to have out soon include:

  • Saturn

  • N64

  • Gamecube

  • Turbografx-16

If you’re a big fan of those consoles, definitely keep an eye out! We are extremely excited to design cables that bring these classic games back to life.

Order Your Pound Technology HD Link Cable Now

Well, now that you see just how wonderful this cable that we’ve worked hard on is, it’s time to order one! What are you waiting for? We all know that your Super Nintendo has been collecting dust for years and that you’ve been living on the memories of playing Donkey Kong with your best friends. Start making new memories with the help of our HD link cable.